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Resources and planning take time and effort, so save yourself a little time and effort. You deserve it! (Please do not forget to rate my resources)

Resources and planning take time and effort, so save yourself a little time and effort. You deserve it! (Please do not forget to rate my resources)
The Viewer - Gary Crew and Shaun Tan

The Viewer - Gary Crew and Shaun Tan

15 lesson PowerPoint, with resources, grammar help, figurative language help and questions. This is a comprehensive PowerPoint going through the whole book. It cover writing narratives such as: diary entry, poetry, prediction / inference, research, balance arguement (simple debate), final big write. It is aimed at year 6
The Great Kapok Tree (English Planning and Resources)

The Great Kapok Tree (English Planning and Resources)

This is a complete planning and resources for the book, The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry. Over 90 slides (PowerPoint and PDF version). Aimed at KS1 and LKS2. Slide 2: The Great Kapok Tree blurb. Slide 4: Lesson 1 – What do you already know Slide 12: Lesson 2 - Forming a discussion / bullet pointing facts / gathering information Slide 28: Lesson 3 - Introduction to our book – using imagination and inference Slide 30: Lesson 4 - Using learnt information – extending learning using imagination and inference Slide 32: Lesson 5 - Using onomatopoeia Slide 35: Lesson 6 - Creating a fact file Slide 38: Lesson 7 – Alliteration Slide 43: Lesson 8 – Collective nouns Slide 46: Lesson 9 - Prepositions and direction Slide 52: Lesson 10 - Design your own rainforest animal Slide 56: Lesson 11 – Reading comprehension Slide 61: Lesson 12 - Why are plants important? (research) Slide 64: Lesson 13 - Five ways I can help our Earth (using my learning) – recap rainforest lesson 2 (trees) Slide 68: Lesson 14 - Testing you environmental awareness & completing surveys (using my learning) Slide 70: Lesson 15 - Other cultures fact file Slide 80: Lesson 16 – Rainforest riddles Slide 84: Lesson 17 - Using descriptive vocabulary and my senses Slide 89: Lesson 18 - The Great Kapok Tree story recount Slide 92: Lesson 19 - What did the man do? (inference – story paragraph)
Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson (Complete English planning and resources)

Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson (Complete English planning and resources)

A complete set of planning and resources for Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson. It contains over 90 slides (PowerPoint and PDF). Covers English language / grammar / literature, along with Art. Covering the book and the topic on dinosaurs. Aimed at KS1 and LKS2. Lesson 1: slides (2 – 6) – What can we tell from the front and back covers Lesson 2: slides (7 – 12) – Descriptive writing using expanded noun phrases Lesson 3: slides (13 – 17) – Descriptive writing using expanded noun phrases (continued) Lesson 4: slides (18 – 26) – Verbs, adverbs and past tense Lesson 5: slides (27 – 32) – Using rhyming words Lesson 6: slides (33 – 36) – Comparing characters Lesson 7: slides (37 – 46) – Comparing characters (continued) Lesson 8: slides (47 – 58) – Dinosaur Art Lesson 9: slides (59 – 64) – Using similes Lesson 10: slides (65 – 78) – Making a dinosaur poster using factual information Lesson 11: slides (79 – 87) – Creating a storyboard idea Lesson 12: slides (88 - 91) – Story recount Lesson 13: slides (92 – 93) – Planning a simple dinosaur story Lesson 14: slides (94 – 98) - Writing a simple dinosaur story
James and the Giant Peach

James and the Giant Peach

This set of 14 lessons using a number of sources of information (book, Taika and friends (Youtube) and the film). It includes resources and lesson plans to cover year 3/4. This could be adapted to cover other year groups. I have taught this to years 3/4 and years 5/6.